AdViews Free Banner Exchange
AdViews members have free use of our banner exchange service. You place our banner exchange code on your web pages to earn credits. You may exchange website credits for banner credits on a 2 to 1 ratio for each website credit you will receive 2 banner credits. Example exchange 5000 website hits credits back to AdViews admin and receive 10,000 banner impressions. Minimum to exchange is 1,000 website credits for 2,000 banner impressions. Our banners are displayed here at AdViews as well as over 4,000 other web pages. You may display an unlimited number of banners and all at no cost to you. Below each banner is a link to signup or manage your banner account. When signing up for a new account be sure to use the same information as for your AdViews members account so that we can transfer your credits. When you transfer credits be sure to CONTACT US with the information of what you want to do with your credit transfer. Example: "I WANT TO UPGRADE" or "I WANT BANNER CREDITS" or "I WANT TO GIVE SOME OF MY CREDITS TO ANOTHER USER".
All transfer of credits will be performed manually by admin.